Dr. Eri Park

Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Informatik
AG Technische Informatik
Leitung Forschungsforum Öffentliche Sicherheit
Eri Park ist Koordinatorin und Leiterin des Forschungsforums Öffentliche Sicherheit. In dieser Position betreut sie die inhaltliche Ausrichtung und Aktivitäten an der Schnittstelle zwischen wissenschaftlicher Sicherheitsforschung, politischer Bewertung und praktischer Anwendung. Ihre Arbeitsschwerpunkte sind der politische Dialog und die Wissenschaftskommunikation in den Innenausschuss des Deutschen Bundestages, an Entscheider:innen aus Behörden und Organisationen mit Sicherheitsaufgaben und Hilfsorganisationen sowie wissenschaftlichen Partner:innen.
In den vergangenen 14 Jahren arbeitete Eri Park als Professorin für Psychologie am University College Roosevelt, Utrecht University, und forschte dort zu den Themenbereichen Terrorismus und Gewaltprävention, Demokratieerziehung und Förderung von sozialer Kohäsion und Wissenschaftskommunikation. Nach dem Studium der Klinischen Psychologie an der Freien Universität Berlin lehrte und promovierte sie an The London School of Economics and Political Science. Für diese Arbeit zu Fragen von global justice and public understanding of European Union trade laws erhielt sie 2007 den Sigmund Koch Award der International Society for Theoretical Psychology und verbrachte Forschungsaufenthalte unter anderem am Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics (Australian National University) und am Department of Psychology, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Sklad, M., Park, E., van Venrooij , Pickard, A , Wignand, J. (2020). Radicalization Prevention by Means of Strengthening Social and Civic Competences. Contemporary School Psychology, 248-262. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40688-020-00330-9
Park, E., Tsirogianni, S., & Sklad, M. (2019). A critical social psychological contribution to (global) citizenship education: Seeing oneself through the eyes of the ‘other’. Annual Review of Critical Psychology, 16, 1336-1358. https://thediscourseunit.files.wordpress.com/2019/12/1330.pdf
Sklad, M., & Park, E. (2017). Examining the potential role of education in the prevention of radicalization from the psychological perspective. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 23(4), 432-437. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/pac0000258
Sklad, M., Friedman, J., Park, E., & Oomen, B. (2016). ‘Going Glocal’: a qualitative and quantitative analysis of global citizenship education at a Dutch liberal arts and sciences college. Higher Education: The International Journal of Higher Education Research, 72(3), 323-340. DOI: 10.1007/s10734-015-9959-6
Sklad, M., and Park, E. (2015). Opening Students’ Minds through Field Study in Mexico: Results of the Global Citizenship Education Program Going Glocal, Round 2013. The Global Studies Journal, 8(3), 111-121.
Park, E. (2011). Social Solidarity in a transnational setting: The cosmopolitan position. Papers on Social Representations, 20(1), 6.1-6.19.
Park, E. (2008). How European Voters Think: The Convergence of Colour and Hunger Lines. Journal of US-China Public Administration, 5(6), 36-46.
Park, E. (2007). Global Justice and Psychology. European Representations of African Poverty. Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless, 16(3), 134-171.
Sklad, M. Irrmischer, M. Park, E., Versteegt, I., & Wignand, J. (2021). Social and Civic Competencies Against Radicatlization in Schools. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Kerger, D., Park, E., Bouchaute, B. v., Goergoez, R., & Christaensen, P. (2022). Power and Counterpower. In Bart van Bouchaute, Reyhan Goergoez, Peter Christiaensen (Eds.), Young people at the forefront against injustice: Get up, stand up. Casebook of examples of politisation by young people (pp. 54-59).
Kerger, D., Park, E., Bouchaute, B. v., Goergoez, R., & Christaensen, P. (2022). From safe to brave. In Bart van Bouchaute, Reyhan Goergoez, Peter Christiaensen (Eds.),
Young people at the forefront against injustice: Get up, stand up. Casebook of examples of politisation by young people (pp. 60-71). https://ahscdn.be/sites/default/files/202302/get_up_stand_up_english_version.pdf
Kerger, D., Park, E., Bouchaute, B. v., Goergoez, R., & Christaensen, P. (2022), Van safe naar brave. In Bart van Bouchaute, Reyhan Goergoez, Peter Christiaensen (Eds.),
Jongeren op de bres tegen onrecht: Get up, stand up. Praktijkboek vol voorbeelden van politisering door jongeren (pp. 76-89). https://www.uitdemarge.be/wpcontent/uploads/2022/05/ahs-praktijkboekpolitisering-17x24_lo4.pdf
Sklad, M., & Park, E. (2016). Educating for Safe and Democratic Societies: The Instructor’s Handbook for the Civic and Social Competences Curriculum for Adolescents UCARE. Middelburg: De Drukkerij. https://www.ucr.nl/app/uploads/2020/11/The-Instructors-
Sklad, M., & Park, E. (2016). Onderwijs voor een veilige en democratische samenleving. Handboek voor docenten bij het lesporgamma UCARE voor burgerlijke en maatschappelijke vaardigheden voor adolescenten. Middelburg: De Drukkerij.
Sklad, M., & Park, E. (2016). Educacion para sociedades democraticas y seguras: Manual del curriculo de competencias civicas y sociales para adolescentes UCARE.
Co-edited Books
J. Friedman, V. Haverkate, B. Oomen, E. Park & M. Sklad (Eds.). (2015). Going Glocal in Higher Education: The Theory, Teaching and Measurement of Global Citizenship. Middelburg: De Drukkerij.
T. Teo, P. Stenner, A. Rutherford, E. Park & C. Baerveldt (Eds.). (2009). Varieties of Theoretical Psychology. International Philosophical and Practical Concerns. Toronto: Captus University Press.
Book Chapters
Park, E., Sklad, M. & Tsirogianni, S. (2015). A qualitative analysis of Going Glocal: Namibia 2014. In J. Friedman, V. Haverkate, B. Oomen, E. Park & M. Sklad (Eds.), Going Glocal in Higher Education: The Theory, Teaching and Measurement of Global Citizenship (pp. 174-191) Middelburg: De Drukkerij.
Sklad, M. & Park, E. (2015). Towards a comprehensive framework for global citizenship education: implications of social psychological theory for stimulating active global citizenship. In J. Friedman, V. Haverkate, B. Oomen, E. Park & M. Sklad (Eds.), Going Glocal in Higher Education: The Theory, Teaching and Measurement of Global Citizenship(pp. 62-80) Middelburg: De Drukkerij.
Park, E., & Tsirogianni, S. (2014). Global Justice. In T. Teo (Editor-in-Chief), Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology (pp. 805-809). New York City: Springer.
Tsirogianni, S., Sammut, G., & Park, E. (2013). Social Values and Good Living. In A. C. Michalos (Editor-in-Chief), Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research (pp. 6187-6190). New York City: Springer.
Park, E. (2012). Holzkamp, Klaus. R. Rieber (Editor-in-Chief), Encyclopedia of the History of Psychological Theories (pp. 528-529). New York City: Springer.
Park, E. (2012). Cosmopolitan Theories in Psychology. In R. Rieber (Editor-in-Chief), Encyclopedia of the History of Psychological Theories (pp. 224-234). New York City: Springer.
Park, E. (2011). Racism in a Post-Colonial World: European Myths and Truth Effects. In P. Stenner, J. Cromby, J. Motzkau, J. Yen & Y. Haosheng (Eds.), Theoretical Psychology: Global Transformations and Challenges (pp. 228-238). Toronto: Captus University Press.
Park, E. (2009). The Affluent Psyche: European Representations of African Poverty. In T. Teo, P. Stenner, A. Rutherford, E. Park & C. Baerveldt (Eds.), Varieties of Theoretical Psychology. International Philosophical and Practical Concerns (pp. 245-253). Toronto: Captus University Press.
Park, E. (2007). Psychological Aspects of Cosmopolitanism. In V. van Deventer, M. Terre Blanche, E. Fourie & P. Segalo (Eds.), Citizen City. Between Constructing Agent and Constructed Agency (pp. 115-123). Toronto: Captus University Press.